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Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Lock up your daughters (and their mothers) cuz WE ARE BACK!
Here’s the poop- back in early April our terrifically and wonderful FREE web host Blogger started returning cryptic error messages when we attempted to update your favorite blog, The Institute Bulletin. Despite many, MANY email pleas to their support team TIB staff received only computer-generated replies. Then on August 1st, a mere 4 months since the problem started we get a human reply! In this email Blogger Support Tech Stephanie clues me in that “Blogger imposes a size limit of 1 MB per page. So if you have too many posts displayed on the main page of your blog, you will run into this error. You can fix this by lowering the number of posts that are shown on your home page.” Well, well, well, well, well! Isn’t that great. It’s not that I have too many posts, but that Blogger imposed a limit and forgot to tell anyone! So I had to reduce the post limit from 999 to 100 to get the page to function again! Yup, thanks to Blogger, 90% of front page commentary is now relegated to archives! But the important thing is we are back in business, now to get Gom back doing blue movie reviews! But wait- there’s a backlog, so without further adieu-

The Institute once again proudly presents- Adult Movie Reviews with Gombeggar

Asian Invasion (2002)
Review by Councilman Gombeggar

This is an Asian compilation tape. It has some good sex going on in it, but it has some serious drawbacks as far as I’m concerned.
First off, it’s a compilation without any running theme. There are segments from up to date porn stars like Miko Lee who headlines the film and also segments from as far back as the eighties in what might actually be a very poorly done Japanese import (in that particular section). Compilations like these are always mixed bags though. That’s to be expected. It does get points for having a Ron Jeremy scene, but Ron’s ‘schmeckle out to here’ in an Asian broad is only a balance to an infuriating lesbo scene with Asia Carrera. Hee we have one of my all time favorite Asian chicks being wasted (sexually) on two other chicks in a dyke scene! Now how does that help me? I ask you!
So all in all, this is a mediocre porn flick. I, Gombeggar give it a 4 out of ten and that’s just because of Ron showing up to remind us all that even fat and ugly men (as is most of us out here) can get laid if they have a ‘schlong out to here!

Gooey Buns 3? (2002)

Review by Councilman Gombeggar

Here’s a filmed example of women showing what pigs they are. Having said that I should give this one a rating of ten and be done with it, but let’s take a look at Gooey Buns 3? (as I’m unsure of the title number of this film that is one of a series).
How much can you watch?” is what council member Doyna Yar asked before I even did this review. The answer? I dunno.
There’s some great sex going on in this compilation. The chicks are very enthusiastic, and rightly so. They’re probably making money hand over fist ‘sic’!
But yeah, how much ass to mouth and then back in the ass can ya watch before yer going, ‘OK, you’re a pig. We got it now! So’s yer girlfriend!’?
All in all (since this is the only Gooey Buns I’ve yet to peruse) I, Gombeggar give this a 7 out of ten for the enthusiasm. And after all, no porn is a ten. If it were a ten, you’d be in the damn film getting laid and you wouldn’t give a damn if anyone saw it or you cuz you got yer happy! See ya next wash day!

Thanx Gom, now get back to work

Katrina folly
As promised on Hazleton Pravda, in days to come after the immediate threat to lives is past I’ll be putting together some thoughts on the Katrina relief fiasco and won’t be sparing any verbal artillery. Is everyone doin’ the Bureaucrat dance?

Yes, you can still get a drink in New Orleans
City spirits still live in French quarter oases. One has to note the typical police frailty of harassing the innocent offenders of a victimless crime when they should have much, much more on their minds. I wonder how many pretended to give out parking citations in the name of doing their duty to avoid confronting the armed looters?

Arabic Trojan butts into porn surfing
Oh great! Moralist hackers!

Mexico excited to play role in relief
It’s a good thing that the Mexico and so many others are willing to help America in time of crisis. However, why do I expect to hear of illegal immigrants taking advantage by trying to cross north in the guise of relief trucks?

Jackson plans Katrina victims song
Yup, people are gonna start coming outta the woodwork to use the situation to rejuvenate their long dead careers.

Voting begins in Egyptian poll
Hey at least they’re voting for more than one candidate this time! It’s still gonna take a bit for term limits to take root.

Oil probe to fault Annan, council
Duh! Even the name ‘oil-for-food’ reeks of implied extortion. This became a sick game where Saddam, corporations, and diplomats all preyed on the Iraqi people.

Toxic trouble in New Orleans water
I remember the first of a billion press conferences just after Katrina where the Louisiana governor Blanco and senator Landrieu were all compassionate and empathetic at the human crisis. Then were asked about pollutants in the water saturating New Orleans. The tales on TV were horrible with oil slicks, gasoline, sewage, and chemicals of all natures. That’s when the blonde senator turned to the governor with a look that I’m sure she hoped no one would notice but the other political animal in the room. On went their game faces and the hypocritical save-my-own-ass reply that [to paraphrase] ‘we flew over water’, ‘it’s only water in the city’, and ‘I only saw water’! Well all of America and the world had seen much more- we saw the filth, and we saw thru your poor political liability acting. When the time for accountability comes a knocking the people of Louisiana will have you both on their political hit lists.

Authorities tighten grip on city
While I agree that the former city of New Orleans must be completely evacuated I am eager to here the constitutional legality of such a forced move.

posted by raymond 16:02

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