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Sunday, September 05, 2004

Clinton flooded with well-wishes before surgery
I'm sure he's prefer cheesecake, a meatball hoagie, or Hickory Farms.

Man accused of stalking with GPS
Smart, but so dumb. GPS, cellular, satellite, and the Internet just to be done in because he was too stupid to tie the phone's power into the car's electrical system with a $10 cable!

Charity Worker in Sleep-Walk Sex Attack

Boss 'forced me to hear sex fantasies'
Did she ever think of just walking away?!!

Russian President's address to the Nation

Vietnam hoping to cash in on its painful past
Touring Indochina's battlefields? What's next reenactments? It's difficult to imagine cashing in of a conflict that lasted about 40 years!

Disappointed EU torn over how to handle Iran
And the Iranians are sitting back and laughing as their plans roll forward. This isn't about energy, it is about Iranian power and European greed.

North Korea relishes South Korea nuclear woes
Way to go Seoul!

German army worried by increasing number of fat soldiers: report
Germany- "an XXL nation". The Hun is ahead of America again! We must close the obesity gap!

Comic Dangerfield stable after op
Jeez Rodney! We at The Institute wish Rodney a quick recovery and will be sending him some Hickory Farms as well.

Unheard Clash songs aired by BBC
*gom* "It's funny how the BBC 'loses' so fucking much film footage that turns up decades later at bus stops and church basements. They should be beaten with the 'Archive Stick'!
Viva el Medico Quien [The Medico lives That]!"
'Archive Stick'- The 'Archive Stick' is just like an oriental canning, but called thus when beating stupid englishmen and woman of the BBC!
Thanx Gom

French Egyptologists Defend Pyramid Theory
Since the French shot the nose off the Sphinx they should have been forever banned from all of Egypt's antiquities!
*gom* "We are French....Let us destroy ancient treasures! Viva la revolucion! (White flag noted)" Bastards!
Thanx Gom

posted by raymond 03:19

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