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Thursday, September 16, 2004

The Lucas world, pre-'Star Wars' A return to 'THX 1138'
I call this beating a dead horse. No, not the re-release of THX but rather my compulsion to take yet another well deserved swipe or twelve at Georgie Lucas. As was recently discussed here at the Institute, THX is a very thought provoking film with long reaching poignancy. This withstanding the film we see as serious and deep Georgie admits he sees as 'humorous'. HUH? As a matter of fact he shot American Graffiti with a comedy in mind. What?! Yup, GL has 'Lucasvision' and that means what he sees in his films is not what the audience gets. Same film, bad brain. George has been outta touch since he started directing! That means that the only three films he has done of any caliber [ANH inclusive] were complete flukes! Their appeal had nothing to do with his 'vision'! Now that GL has the final Star Wars Episode III in the bag, wrapping up the final Star Wars story he has the money to do the exact same thing he did after wrapping up the final Star Wars story Return of the Jedi. He’s gonna go and make lousy films for a decade. Do I smell Howard the Duck II or is that a prequel? After which, with funding dwindling, we get raped yet again with a forth re-edited 'vision' of the 2nd SW Trilogy and Special Edition theatrical release of the 1st SW Trilogy! Followed those insults well get GL announcing [and changing his story for the umteenth time!] that he will be returning to finish the last three Star Wars films to at long last complete the Star Wars Saga's final story[?] all according to his ego-centric master plan! Thank you Georgie, you outta touch hack bastard!

In-car sobriety devices challenged
I am absolutely appalled that 45 states require these nuisance feel-good devices that do nothing to protect the public and humiliate and endanger those who don't circumvent them. This isn't just silly, it's getting ridiculous! First off, no one should be forced to pay to develop incriminating evidence against them, it's like being forced to testify against yourself in court. Secondly, the universal application of such devices, and all other vehicular sanctions for DUI fail to take into account other drivers for the vehicle. What if I want to loan, rent or give my vehicle out for the duration of such sanctions? If the owner of a dealership, autoshop, or auto rental business then what? The truth of the matter, for all you bubble-headed soccer-moms and politicians who knee-jerk suck up to them, there is absolutely no way to prevent someone from driving under the influence short of incarceration. That is absurd for a peccadillo where there is no injury or property damage. All these other penalties from license suspension, vehicle impound, and dipshit ignition interlocks are easily circumvented. Hell a drunk with no car or license can still steal one! We live in a society that driving isn't a right or a privilege but a mandate. In California they want to license illegal aliens to drive! Why??? Because driving is required to be a productive contributing worker/consumer in our society. So let's cut out all the bullshit and redundant penalties of a thousand pin pricks! I would suggest the only penalty for DUI and it's repetition should be incrementally crushing financial penalty based on percentage of actual income, period! Any other damages are already well covered under existing non-alcohol condemning legislation.

Johnny Ramone dies at 55
Another year, another dead Ramone. If I was Tommy I'd be eatin' my wheat germ!
*Gom* "This just nutz! I think that leaves the original drummer left and a couple of add-on ramones from over the years! Geez! I wanna be sedated! Good luck on the other side boys!"
Thanx Gom, Denim is an idiot!

Annan: Iraq war was 'illegal'
This is like me saying smoking is 'illegal' in my house, it has no baring on the real world. What about the 40 odd conflicts going on at any given time around the world? What about the might-be-genocide in Sudan that the diplomats at the UN are splitting definition hairs over until everyone there is dead? I wonder how Kofi shaves in the morning without looking in the mirror!
*Gom* "In the words of Darth Sidious: 'I will make it legal!' After all, Sidious is the only dynamic person in Star Wars and the only one with any balls!"
Thanx Gom

Rodney Dangerfield recovering slowly
The Institute hopes Rodney enjoyed his Hickory Farms and resulting extended recovery. We would also like to see Rodney left in peace from all the Hollywood leaches that are feigning showing the man respect.

Teachers lose tax breaks for class expenses
Classroom supplies should be solely purchased by the school district, which should be solely funded by the parents of the students. School Tax should only be levied against PARENTS!

Group visits N. Korea blast site
I'd still wager it was a conventional calibration test before an actual nuke test. It's interesting that the Pentagon or Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists hasn't released any seismic info.

Redondo police investigate bizarre assault
And our word of the day- peccadillo*! I think it would be very therapeutic for men to occasionally laugh at pussy!

*peccadillo- A small sin or fault. A slight trespass or offense; a petty crime or fault. A petty misdeed. See also: anything I do.

'Dubya' whipped in fetish video
Wouldn't this make more sense if it were Clinton, or would that be too close to reality. Can you say strap-on Hillary?

Russia and USA stand shoulder to shoulder to struggle against terrorism
After seeing how hamstrung the Russian military was in Beslan, it's now plainly obvious to Russia's friends and foes alike that they are in a terrible state of atrophy. Beslan will only rally those who would see Russia collapse. Putin's curtailing of Russian democracy in the form of direct appointment of regional governors isn't gonna help. Russia needs military reform, but much more than that. Russia needs leadership with the vision to get Russia off the east-west fence. Russia must overcome it's paranoia of the West and the West must redouble it's economic ties to Russia. The future of Russia's security will be as a full member of NATO. The only question is whether that membership is before or after a military disaster.

Firearm fever in Russia
The Right to Keep and Bare Arms, not just an American ideal anymore. Soon the Russian people may have more firearm liberties than us!

Are methamphetamines becoming a work place staple in America?
Another public secret brought to you by your fine masters at CAN't DO.

China's space program seeks approval for new-generation rocket
Bigger is better!

UN says more needed to fight population growth, poverty
Championing the obvious!

US doubts report on Syrian chemical weapons testing in Darfur
I'll believe the State Department after the election.

EU launches gendarmerie force, as security review continues
The French are at it again bolstering the EU's redundant military capabilities that are meant to supplant NATO.

China agrees 750 mln dlr deal to supply Pakistan with four frigates
The PLAN always can always spare a few frigates to hedge against India.

Russia and France conduct joint naval exercises in Atlantic
Need ing a much needed morale boost, the Russian navy are conducting exercises with the French navy. The Russians will focus on confidence building by charging in to battle to blazing Russian symphonies while semen on various French vessels will compete to raise the white flag of surrender, the winning boat gets the honor of preparing borsht for the Russian commander.

Decision on British citizenship for Gurkhas due in weeks: Blair
The brave and fierce Gurkhas deserve citizenship for their years of service to the crown. Any nation who would employ foreigners to their defense should honor those people with the full rights and benefits befitted to citizen soldiers. By that I mean that America should be ashamed for the betrayal of our Philippine forces in WWII!

Press Release Images: Spirit 03-Sep-2004

Page Three girls - the naked truth
The Institute would like to throw our full weight to the Pravda Page Three Project and we encourage our audience to email Hazleton Pravda to voice your support for the project.
*Omnipervert* "La-la-la-la....Page Three Girls!"
Thanx Gom

Stronger Warnings for Child Antidepressants
The Institute is strongly against the convenient use of antidepressants on anyone as a fix. Depression is a very serious condition that must be corrected, not medicated away. Heavily monitored medication in conjunction with long term group counciling with the eventual goal of improvement the quality of life and mutual respect among those surrounding the afflicted is the only way correct serious depression. Parents, relatives, partners, and medical personnel need to be much more responsible participants in the process.
*Gom* "Well, yeah! These ain't the FUN drugs! These are the ones to make you more productive and useful to sociaety...Where's the fun in that?"
Thanx Gom

Simpson is in THE DUKES OF HAZZARD, Singer will be Daisy Duke
Hillbilly chicks may be alotta things, but they're not anorexic!
*gom* "So Bone's new wifey is a Blonde[?]"
Thanx Gom

posted by raymond 14:05

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