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Friday, September 24, 2004

Naked Wookiees and broken R2-D2s
This stinks of Lucasfilm™ PR trotting out the real creators of the original [read dead to Lucas] Trilogy, now re-edited for the second time, to take the edge off the criticism of Georgie's compulsive and selfish meddling. One just has to hope George doesn't read this and decide that 'yeah, the wookie should wear pants' or 'I never noticed Yoda doesn't smile... gotta fix that!' Why can't the fan base get together send GL a petition that if he doesn't respect their desire to have access to the original Trilogy on contemporary modern media, currently in the form of DVD, his Episode III will be boycotted.

Study: Alcohol tied to 75,000 deaths a year in U.S.
By their own inflated statistics annual alcohol-related driving fatalities represent only 0.00588% of American deaths. Liver and cirrhosis deaths are around 0.0075% (1996 stats). This is an epidemic? Don't these people have anything better to do? How about something with impact like a cheap, foolproof, effective, and timely consumer STD test? How about lowering the Stress of Living index?!!

Stripper pole in JU dorm draws crowd
This is absurd! What students do on their own time and in the privacy of their apartments, regardless of landlord, is exclusively separate from their schooling!

Primary school sex teaching is pornographic, says Church
They say pornography like its a dirty word. I'd like the Church to specifically explain how people are conceived without referencing sex! Arming our youth with sexual education is one of the most empowering and preventative measures we as a society can do to alleviate the cyclical suffering of unplanned pregnancy, STD transmission, emotional damage from poor sexual encounters, and promote mutual sexual respect among partners.

DVDs of executed hostages available on Iraqi markets
Shopkeepers who peddle such snuff tapes should be dragged into the street by our soldiers and publicly executed live on the Internet. Stick that in your insurgency!

Piercing fans modify their bodies with scar, brands and amputations
It seems America doesn't have a monopoly on stupidity...

posted by raymond 16:06

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