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Friday, September 10, 2004

Pam Anderson lends name to KFC boycott
Our second favorite 'faux beauty', after Trish Stratus, is trying yet another venue to keep her notorious fame- activism. Who woulda thunk it, the woman who by comparison makes Barbie™ look like a realistic role model for young girls, is stumping for PETA's Kentucky Fried Cruelty campaign. I smell a publicist. One just has to wonder if the plastic bombshell actually has opinions or whether they are implanted as well.

Atari hits gamers with blasts from past
Nice idea, but all true retrogamers know that these were meant to be played on authentic consoles and controllers, to do otherwise loses much of the nostalgic point. Oh yeah- Death to Jack Tramiel, the home computer anti-Christ!
*gom* 'Dooom!'

Scientists sift wreckage of Genesis
Who's up for latex solar omelets?

Al-Zawahiri: U.S. faltering in Afghanistan
9/11, they celebrate, we remember...

New ring discovered around Saturn
*Finch* "Nuu! I have rings! I'm being orbited by cracker crumbs and bullion!"
Thanx Gom

Guess who the DUKES OF HAZZARD are?
Their not Butch & Bone Duke!

Lucasfilm Defends DVD Changes
I've been trying to avoid this like the plague, but apparently I'm already infected with LUCAS*! I will try to keep my outrage brief and deadly. In his infinite wisdom [read insecurity], GL has once again decided to mutilate his former re-vision of the Special Edition of Star Wars Saga's middle Trilogy [breath]. It seems that 97's mutilation in the name of his twenty year hindsight 'vision' just doesn’t cut the cheese anymore for Georgie. The impotent 'director' who's Episode I 'vision' was cowed by the likes of Ronny Opie Howard and Stephen 'Extra Testicle' Spielburg and Episode II 'vision' was reworked in the face of the underground classic cut The Phantom Edit is once again flip-flopping and revising history and art. Ted Turner is an obscenity for colonizing classic films, but his crime against cinema pales to the revisionist Hollywood hacks who are mangling our collective cultural art in the name of the artist's right of presentation. I have no problem re-working and re-editing a film or other work until the artist is satisfied, however any such permanent alteration after public receipt is a betrayal of the very public the work was produced for. His persistent tampering of a public work is as self-destructive as Michael Jackson's vanity surgery addiction! If Georgie didn't like his original edit of A New Hope then he should have sat on the footage until 97! I can't wait until George is dead and we the public [and market] can finally take all his wishy-washy edits of whimsy that have been ripping us off for decades and cobble a proper absolute final version without the 'vision' of this madmoron interfering. Viva Le Fantôme Éditent!

*LUCAS- Acrinym for 'Lucas Undermining Cinematic Audience Satisfaction', a disease of the psyche typified by megalomaniac insecurity, introversion, and compensation. There is no known cure, but we are all the victims. Poster child GL.

Florida braces for third hurricane
To quote Bugs Bunny 'South America, take it away!"

Internet porn ban enacted for Phoenix libraries
Porn, like all works regardless of medium, are art and the public has the right to access!

The Institute applauds judge Michael Roach's discretion in this case. While we do not dispute Mr. Norris' claim that "There is no way anybody under 16 is able to make a genuine and informed decision about sex." we would contend that a consensual decision, informed or not, is still a consensual decision and not coercion. Also, due to the lack of a proper sexual education program and moralistic stifled sexual dialogue in this nation I would argue that very few adults could pass a test about making a 'genuine and informed decision about sex.' We need clear definitions and dialogue, how many accused rapists are victims of their sexual ignorance?

Scientists Glimpse Exotic Matter In A Neutron Star
Among the exotic materials spied were rust, Ford Red enamel, carbon monoxide, and limejuice.

posted by raymond 10:27

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