Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Putin blasts U.S. on terror stance
Looks like Chechenya is back on the front burner.
What's to be done about Ground Zero
There's still an argument? I cannot see anything short of a national memorial for the entire footprints of the towers. Any other greedy aspirations cloaked in capitalist zeal would be like putting a strip mall on Arlington National Cemetery, hot dog vending at the Tomb of the Unknown or selling pieces of the USS Arizona as tourist trinkets. To do so would only serve to emphasizes our immorality and legitimize the reasoning behind the terrorist attacks. Respect must take precedent!
Florien man accused of having sex with a chicken
Never mind the hurricanes, Florida cracks down on bestiality! No Harkers!
Russia and Israel to join forces in anti-terrorist cooperation
Israel offers Russia unprecedented cooperation, a good move?
The Grid Becomes A Reality
We can finally get that there Higgs Boson weighed!
Center's 'Chicken Gun' Helps Shuttle Return To Flight
Doesn't Jimmy have one of these? Something to do with gravy compression reflux?
Missile Defense To Tie US To Iraq, Afghanistan, Caspian, Experts Warn
Kazakhstan, where's Kazakhstan? Iran isn't the only potential ICBM site in Asia and Kazakhstan is the answer.
posted by raymond 07:09
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