Wednesday, September 01, 2004
September 1st, 'Don't go back to school day' [cartoon network, will they observe for a second year?]. 20 more daze until Autter [August 25th thru September 20th] gives way to Autumn.
Schwarzenegger: "My immigrant dreams came true" in America.
Ich bin ein Republikaner! It's good to hear positive opinions of Nixon.
Attackers seize Russian school
The shit's really hit the fan in Russia.
Militants kill 12 Nepal hostages
So, you'll notice this happens after al-Sadir got his fat outta the fire, they're tag-teaming! If only we had the likes of the Mega-Powers or Natural Disasters! Nope, we gotta send in Tajiri and Rhyno!
Curfew imposed in Kathmandu
The cycle continues is there any nationality they haven't attacked?
In search of Earth, new class of planets found
Just as it's a rare day that an Atari product surfaces that I haven't seen before, it is even fewer and far between when two council members forward the same story for The Bulletin. Whether as a deep desire to escape the Earth or to actually become a celestial-sized human such a journalistic collision has occurred and I am making it unanimous.
Thanx Councilmen
Bush twins lighten convention with jokes
...and then the low point of the evening.
U.S. 'defector' to turn himself in
I fail to see what could be accomplished with mercy for him.
Man Sentenced for Watching Porn in Car
Three weeks for a victimless crime!
Leaders of Russia, France and Germany to join efforts in fighting terrorism
The little C-3, the 'Group of Complacient-3 Nations', talk tough; little substance.
98% of Russians distrust banks
The intelligence of the Russian populous is truly unquestionable. We have much to learn from them.
Russians drink 215 million decaliters of vodka a year, 40% of it is illegal
The intelligence of the Russian populous is truly unquestionable. We have much to learn from them.
Chinese forge Russian merchandise
Why should the Russians feel left out, the Chinese are the preeminent forgers, great borrowers, and copycats of the modern era. But as our Russian friends are finding out, emulation is not always flattering.
India plans to build long-range missiles with Israel: official
Just what the world needs- Zionist ICBMs, this does not bode well.
Putin says Iran must not become nuclear power
Playing both sides, how French of Putin. If Iran doesn't seek nukes, then why not a light water reactor?
Israeli warplanes fly over south Lebanon
The latest in a long line of Israeli contempt for the sovereignty of it's neighbors.
Patrick Stewart Undergoes Heart Procedure
*Gom* 'This is a re-run! I saw this episode of Next Generation! Capt'n Baldo bonds with Wesley (before he becomes a lush) in this one. Stupid spike tv! Arrrgh!'
*Doyna* 'No... well yes, it is a re-run. But this is the one where he has to do physical therapy with John de Lancie in purgatory. On the plus side he was laughing like a raving loon at his mortal wound. I can appreciate that.'
Thanx Gom
No STAR WARS VII - IX says Lucasfilm
Episode VII- The Hippocratic Lucas, so he's like revised history again!
Thanx Gom
posted by raymond 06:36
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