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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Services, parades honor Martin Luther King
Amazingly Martin Luther King Day remains one of the most misunderstood national holidays in America. Sure Reagan signed it into law, but nobody ever told us how to officially celebrate it. What holds deep meaning in our minority community should hold the same for all. Sure there was a few parades, services, maybe a few marches, and some places were closed while others cling to ignoring it completely. It can be a rally for the ignorant white trash who refuse to take the day off, idiots! But my core point is that we, as a nation, don't have a tradition around this holiday yet. This leaves some at home, some at work, some at church, and me like a lonely puppy outside the closed liquor store. It's too bloody cold to march in January, church was yesterday [for some of you], parades are hokey, there's no sports events on [for the meatheads], can't send post cards with the USPS shut down, and there's no mindless shopping for the broads. What we need is somebody, well anybody to come out and spell it out, light a grille, set off some fireworks, hell make the day about community service and volunteerism! Just so I know what the hell I'm supposed to be doing other than sittin' at home drinkin' beer watchin’ old black-n-white footage of the civil rights movement on the History channel [with just a splash of Hitler? what's that about] 'cuz I forgot to stock up on rum on Saturday! What Martin Luther said and did he did for all of us, but the holiday doesn't seem to be living up to the dream.

Poll: Americans divided over Iraq invasion
Speaking of the History channel, they aired 'The Horrors of Hussein' today, A one-hour documentary on the torture, mass executions, terror, chemical weapons use, and wars of Saddam. It was more like a video outline when you think of more than a million dead the Iran-Iraq war and the half-million Iraqis in mass graves all over Iraq. Then there are the still suffering and mutilated from his chemical strikes and those destroyed by dehumanizing torture. I defy anyone to watch such a brief glimpse of his atrocities and say we shouldn't have removed him. If there is a lesson from history it is that we should have finished what we started back in '91! No one ever said the right thing to do was easy! We stand in the breach and we must not flinch. Would you rather have America's best fight the terrorist fanatics over there, or would you prefer to stick your head in the sand and have soccer moms and rent-a-cops fight them in a Jersey mall? That's the choices, cuz they are coming either way. Personally I prefer to have Iraq as a lightning rod for all these suicidal zealots well away on the other side of the globe and facing our best. If they're making IEDs over there to hit our armor they’re not making pipe bombs over here to blow up SUVs [or learning how to fly a jumbo jet]. Bush was right '...bring it on!'

FCC fears force Fox to pixelate cartoon nudity
US TV cuts nudity from BBC film
Alright, now I'm pissed! If a bare-assed Stewie is offensive then I don't wanna see any more babies, births, or caesarians on Discovery channel. Just watch one of those and you'll never be a completely sexually free man again! That's psychologically damaging dammit! Gimme Family Guy any day over that shit! I urge everyone to write the FCC and urge them to give FOX a pass on Family Guy. Self-censorship is un-American and should be discouraged by patriotic groups such as when the fine people at Ad Council condemned post 9/11 library censorship. I urge you to familiarize yourselves with both sites.

Pentagon spurned plan for enemy aphrodisiac
US laboratory proposed weapon to stimulate homosexual behavior
$7.5 million to promote gays in enemy militaries? Homosexuality only bolstered the morale of the Spartans and greater Greek armies. With a shortage of women in parts of China with 1:20 ratios do we really want to consider helping them cross that line? I thought Nixon outlawed the US chemical arsenal? A chemical attack is a chemical attack whether VX or gay spray!

FDA debates OTC morning-after pill
The Institute and our subsidiaries 100% wholeheartedly backs anything that gives people options, choices, and safety in their sexual lives.

Iran Nobel winner's rights call
Can she become the nexus of the Iranian counterrevolution?

EU considers Nazi symbols ban
Great! They do this and they'll have to cut the old Monty Python skits! If the great Mel Brooks can dress up as Hitler everyone knows it is satire. Harry was just attending a tasteless aristocal costume party. All Europe's aristocracies have reviled in their dirty secret little historic roll playing games for centuries. It's their ego-fetish. Blaming the symbols of Hitler's Nazism and hiding them don't undo the past. The darkness must be faced and discussed openly by each generation lest we forget the lessons! Deconstructing history cannot spare us from the cold truth. Like it or not, Hitler was just a man, most Germans were Nazi, many in occupied Europe were collaborators and many joined the SS. Political correctness and blinders do not dull the unpleasant fact that the capacity for such heinous evil is a part of the human condition and a foible we all carry.

Canyons, rivulets: scientists give first impression of Titan photos

Columbia Crew Catches A Mysterious TIGER In The Indian Ocean
Is this actually data from the ill-fated Columbia flight?

Walker's World: The New World Order
I find nothing to argue with here. Our economic hypocrisy and failure to consolidate the post cold war opportunities have lead us to the brink of a multi-polar American containment world.

posted by raymond 03:37

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