Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Darfur death toll 'may be 300,000'
It's shameful! 300,000 dead or missing from a tsunami and the world mobilizes. 300,000 murdered in Africa and the world drags it feet over the definition of genocide!!
Knesset rejects referendum on Gaza pullout
Peace and a settlement... on Israeli terms!
Russia loses one million people every year
Our Russian friends are ahead of the curve on this whole overpopulation issue!
The myth of the Commonwealth of Independent States is about to end
Russia's Sukhoi to develop 5th generation fighter jet
When did the Russians design a forward-swept-wing fighter?
Last Hardware Needed For ATV Arrival Installed During ISS Spacewalk
It's about time the ISS had an alternative cargo vehicle beyond shuttle/soyuz/progress.
Donation from adult store criticized
I guess the students will be getting a lesson in hypocracy from the Live Oaks School. I have to agree with Ms. Rivera that the Penthouse Boutique has the same right to donate as any other community business or citizen. You can't have it both ways- asking for handouts and turning away donations based upon the source. Beggars can't be choosers, and the officials looking over the mouth of this gift horse are showing themselves to be asses! If they wouldn't take the money from African-Americans the shit would hit the fan! Isn't this moral descrimination?
posted by raymond 14:29
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