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Friday, March 25, 2005

Document suggests bin Laden escaped at Tora Bora
Although I have to commend the administration for confronting our enemies and defacto enemies after decades of tolerance I am troubled by the apparent lack of applying sufficient forces for guaranteed results. Tora Bora should have been flooded with US forces and the Iraqi occupation force should have been maintained at 250,000.

Looting follows Kyrgyz uprising
Looks like the Kyrgyz protesters have lost their way choosing violence and looting over democratic reform.

Canada: No refuge for U.S. soldier
What ever happened to desertion being a crime, and a capital offense during times of war? These guys are supposed to 'return to the United States and take up their concerns at their respective military bases.'? Maybe if you mean the stockade! How can the Pentagon be surprised with lapses in discipline when they handle all these breaches of conduct with kid gloves? If our arguably closest ally, Canada, really wanted to make a statement these soldiers would be deported to the proper US military authorities!

Is Gene Simmons the next SpongeBob?
Well at least Ozzy's off the air! And further down that tangent has anyone noticed how much Ozzy and Elton John are starting to look alike? ...and you never see them at the same places, ...but they're probably on the same medications!

Sharpton wants stations connected to violence punished
My favorite Democrat is back, and you can call him Humpty, ...with an ump-ty, do the Sharpton Hump!

U.N. report points finger at Syria
And knowing doesn't help

Rumsfeld criticizes Venezuelan arms bid
I think Rumsy is dead on with this one.

US Extends Waiver Of Missile Proliferation Sanctions On China
First dropping the human rights criticism, then a muted response to the anti-secession law, now this! China is reaping all kinds of geo-political kickbacks from its prominence in the DPRK nuclear negotiations. One has to say that China is getting better offers than the North Koreans! It really makes you wonder just who is pulling the strings on this loggerheaded manufactured crisis.

"Troubled" Afghanistan-Pakistan-Iran triangle may deepen US presence
A refresher in facts

posted by raymond 10:16

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