Tuesday, March 22, 2005
War of words over Schiavo continues
Today was the first confirmation on national news that I was right about the anti-abortionist crusaders being all behind this as a way to, by legal precedent, extend parental/grandparental rights beyond the age of 18 as a way to prevent adult women from seeking abortions.
Jackson sobs in court after late arrival
I guess he found out he would not be serving at Juvenile Detention!
Arab leaders prepare for summit
Same old. same old status quo for the Arab League.
Study: Undocumented population tops 10 million
No documents = no rights beyond the basic human rights, that's the way it ought to be! Set up the gulags!
Super swine was real, experts say
Or maybe Jackson was weeping 'cuz he can not afford to buy Hogzilla's remains...
Annan: Adopt U.N. reform package
It's official! Annan has cracked! Six more vetoes on the security council? That's fucking nuts! The UN seems to be seeking to make itself even more ineffectual at dealing with international crises!
U.S. suspends Nicaragua military aid
So Danny Ortega is still stirring the shit, eh?
Officer accused of misconduct
The ugly head of 'Mahalicism' reared yet again.
Chewing gum can 'enhance breasts'
Time to update my investment portfolio... our Japanese friends are way ahead of the curve!
Mobilize Now To Save Hubble
Banzai! er Mobilize! er somethin...
Envisat Enables First Global Check Of Regional Methane Emissions
Freeland and New Orleans are gonna light up like xmas treez!
Pak Nukes Terrify World And "This Serves Pakistan Well"
Pakistan, our basket case allies.
Analysis: Rice Woos India With Nuke Offer
Assuaging the Indies, here's one I did not see coming.
Analysis: China's Spin On Secession Law
Mao was no Lincoln!
posted by raymond 05:29
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