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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Darfur death toll 'may be 300,000'
It's shameful! 300,000 dead or missing from a tsunami and the world mobilizes. 300,000 murdered in Africa and the world drags it feet over the definition of genocide!!

Knesset rejects referendum on Gaza pullout
Peace and a settlement... on Israeli terms!

Russia loses one million people every year
Our Russian friends are ahead of the curve on this whole overpopulation issue!

The myth of the Commonwealth of Independent States is about to end

Russia's Sukhoi to develop 5th generation fighter jet
When did the Russians design a forward-swept-wing fighter?

Last Hardware Needed For ATV Arrival Installed During ISS Spacewalk
It's about time the ISS had an alternative cargo vehicle beyond shuttle/soyuz/progress.

Donation from adult store criticized
I guess the students will be getting a lesson in hypocracy from the Live Oaks School. I have to agree with Ms. Rivera that the Penthouse Boutique has the same right to donate as any other community business or citizen. You can't have it both ways- asking for handouts and turning away donations based upon the source. Beggars can't be choosers, and the officials looking over the mouth of this gift horse are showing themselves to be asses! If they wouldn't take the money from African-Americans the shit would hit the fan! Isn't this moral descrimination?

posted by raymond 14:29

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Friday, March 25, 2005

Document suggests bin Laden escaped at Tora Bora
Although I have to commend the administration for confronting our enemies and defacto enemies after decades of tolerance I am troubled by the apparent lack of applying sufficient forces for guaranteed results. Tora Bora should have been flooded with US forces and the Iraqi occupation force should have been maintained at 250,000.

Looting follows Kyrgyz uprising
Looks like the Kyrgyz protesters have lost their way choosing violence and looting over democratic reform.

Canada: No refuge for U.S. soldier
What ever happened to desertion being a crime, and a capital offense during times of war? These guys are supposed to 'return to the United States and take up their concerns at their respective military bases.'? Maybe if you mean the stockade! How can the Pentagon be surprised with lapses in discipline when they handle all these breaches of conduct with kid gloves? If our arguably closest ally, Canada, really wanted to make a statement these soldiers would be deported to the proper US military authorities!

Is Gene Simmons the next SpongeBob?
Well at least Ozzy's off the air! And further down that tangent has anyone noticed how much Ozzy and Elton John are starting to look alike? ...and you never see them at the same places, ...but they're probably on the same medications!

Sharpton wants stations connected to violence punished
My favorite Democrat is back, and you can call him Humpty, ...with an ump-ty, do the Sharpton Hump!

U.N. report points finger at Syria
And knowing doesn't help

Rumsfeld criticizes Venezuelan arms bid
I think Rumsy is dead on with this one.

US Extends Waiver Of Missile Proliferation Sanctions On China
First dropping the human rights criticism, then a muted response to the anti-secession law, now this! China is reaping all kinds of geo-political kickbacks from its prominence in the DPRK nuclear negotiations. One has to say that China is getting better offers than the North Koreans! It really makes you wonder just who is pulling the strings on this loggerheaded manufactured crisis.

"Troubled" Afghanistan-Pakistan-Iran triangle may deepen US presence
A refresher in facts

posted by raymond 10:16

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

EU's Solana: End China arms ban
The EU is dancing with the plumber on this one...

Activists slam Canada on seal hunt
The Institute formally condemns the Humane Society of the United States' attempt broaden their base and to harm the Canadian fishing industry with a hippie-style boycott of products which are not connected to the culling of un-endangered seals. Ya don't like it, don't buy fur!

Agency: More teens abusing inhalants
So, now helium inhalation is criminal too? Maybe this wouldn't be such a problem if we lowered the drinking and smoking age so youths seeking a high can have access to regulated, legal, and safe vices.

U.N.: 1 billion people lack safe drinking water
What their failing to address is that we are 1 billion people over the natural carrying capacity of the earth to provide clean drinking water. It's not a lack of fresh water but too many people! Achievements of aid organizations over the past century to alleviate suffering by fighting disease and hunger have only served to cause an explosion in populations that now require such aid permanently.

SNL Tries Penile Implant
Now that's comedy! Don't forget to click on the image for the full schnazz!

Man grows penis on his arm
Science worthy of Institute investment or yet another Russian tale of yogurt longevity?

Partner Swapping Site Busted
I'm still very confused as to where a crime was committed.

No New Shuttle Flight Unless Rescue Mission Can Be Guaranteed
One would have thought it just common sense that the proper docking mechanisms for a shuttle to shuttle rendezvous should have been in the inventory for decades now! Hell, a shuttle to soyuz mechanism would even be better than nothing! A rescue plan should have been standard procedure from delivery of Challenger! I always wondered why such a docking was never attempted in the early 80s. Now we know, because there never was a common sense plan! What's worse is that this new criteria for a launch will only be applied to the next two launches and is not a permanent policy change but a feel good measure!

US mulls new strategies against North Korea
Funky Kim odds on winner for this pot. I suggest we deploy nukes to the peninsula to get some leverage like Reagan did with the NATO Pershing II deployment which got the Soviets re-interested in disarmament and lead to the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF)Treaty on 8 December 1987.

And now the first installment of The Institute's Adult Movie Reviews:

Up in the Air (1982): Running time 75 minutes.
Review by Councilman Gombeggar

The best thing about this old eighties porn is the nostalgia. It’s a film that comes from an era of porn where the women’s tits were natural and the cast and crew tried hard ‘sic’ (albeit in vein) to actually follow a plot line, which is as follows:
A crew and passengers board a jet plane and sex ensues including clever dream sequences for the times and the situation humorous linking footage with the bearded guy (Nick Niter) who just can’t get laid to ‘save his life’ (excepting the second dream sequence) aboard this airship of sin culminating in a proper 80’s style orgy, but ya gotta wonder by this point just who’s flying the plane?!??!?
All in all there is too much head giving on the part of both sexes and not enough straight sex, to say nothing of the total lack of anal insertions. These were more innocent times, friends! However, with the nostalgia factor, and the amusingly poor dubs of moaning over that wacky eighties music you can’t help but enjoy Up in the Air. And it is an early China Lee [Kristara Barrington] film ta boot!
So, I Gombeggar give this a rating of 5 [strokes] out of a possible ten. Up in the Air is an average porn with fun and fucking well mixed together. See you next wash day!

Thanx Gombeggar

posted by raymond 07:59

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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

School shootings suspect apparently had neo-Nazi leanings
Native American National Socialist, there's a new one on me! It seems to me that this youth was obviously disturbed by the apparent apathy toward his nation's loss of cultural identity. Most if not all of his concerns should be valid for every member of his tribe. I would have to say that the fact that seemingly his only outlet was the eNazis just goes to show that he did not have the outlets among his family, friends, school, or tribal community to express or deal with his concerns in a positive way. This boy should not be demonized for 'neo-Nazi leanings' when clearly his feelings of cultural and ethnic erosion are justified and deserved a frank and open dialogue. Such complicated issues weighing on youth need guidance and respect. Lacking that he did as many of us do today, search for commonality on the Internet and inadvertently misplaced his worries about cultural purity/identity/ethnicity into the Nazi site full of confusing 'racial purity' sloganry. I doubt anyone there bothered to point out that the Nazi's would have just as soon threw him to the ovens as a Jew or homosexual. His community will now have to face that they failed to constructively help this boy, perhaps with cultural preservation programs and cultural/ethnic tolerance education. I think that they should take a long hard introspection about how they raise their children and balance their Native-American identity with their American integration. Unfortunately that will probably not be the case and the only significant reaction will be to make our educational institutions even more repressive and prison-like. There is no doubt that this is a huge tragedy for the community, but we must keep such things in perspective. Such events happening a decade and a half apart in a nation of almost 300 million persons should not be used to justify the inappropriate mistrust, inconvenience, surveillance, and prejudice against our youth who live day to day under pressures most prefer to forget once plagued ourselves. They are our legacy, our future, and we must not treat our progeny as criminals without basic rights, privacy, respect, and human dignity.

posted by raymond 15:26

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War of words over Schiavo continues
Today was the first confirmation on national news that I was right about the anti-abortionist crusaders being all behind this as a way to, by legal precedent, extend parental/grandparental rights beyond the age of 18 as a way to prevent adult women from seeking abortions.

Jackson sobs in court after late arrival
I guess he found out he would not be serving at Juvenile Detention!

Arab leaders prepare for summit
Same old. same old status quo for the Arab League.

Study: Undocumented population tops 10 million
No documents = no rights beyond the basic human rights, that's the way it ought to be! Set up the gulags!

Super swine was real, experts say
Or maybe Jackson was weeping 'cuz he can not afford to buy Hogzilla's remains...

Annan: Adopt U.N. reform package
It's official! Annan has cracked! Six more vetoes on the security council? That's fucking nuts! The UN seems to be seeking to make itself even more ineffectual at dealing with international crises!

U.S. suspends Nicaragua military aid
So Danny Ortega is still stirring the shit, eh?

Officer accused of misconduct
The ugly head of 'Mahalicism' reared yet again.

Chewing gum can 'enhance breasts'
Time to update my investment portfolio... our Japanese friends are way ahead of the curve!

Mobilize Now To Save Hubble
Banzai! er Mobilize! er somethin...

Envisat Enables First Global Check Of Regional Methane Emissions
Freeland and New Orleans are gonna light up like xmas treez!

Pak Nukes Terrify World And "This Serves Pakistan Well"
Pakistan, our basket case allies.

Analysis: Rice Woos India With Nuke Offer
Assuaging the Indies, here's one I did not see coming.

Analysis: China's Spin On Secession Law
Mao was no Lincoln!

posted by raymond 05:29

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Sunday, March 20, 2005
My only problem with this site is that I wanna hump 'em all!

Rice calls for end to NK standoff
Funky Kim's still playin' hard to get. I wonder If he has a thing for African-American women?

Shark tears man in half
Haven't these people ever seen Jaws V the Revenge of Rocky Rambo? It's a story of how an encounter with a shark from the darkside caused Rocky Balboa to become Darth Rambo, Lord of Sith. All I gotta say is 'bangsticks'!

Suspect in 9-year-old's death booked into Florida jail
DEATH! He dug a hole for her, now he can dig one for his own live burial!

Congress to meet Sunday on Schiavo bill
Let the poor woman die already! This is just a step in a very bad direction to extend parental rights beyond an offspring’s 18th birthday (which is all about stopping abortion) and an erosion of *gasp* marriage and spousal rights!

Scores injured in Japanese quake
I'm willing to offer sensual massages to the injured and sexy women for as long as it takes even if it means round the clock aftershocks between naps and cheesecake.

Pakistan tests long-range missile
Funky Kim isn't the only potentate who likes to show off his missile!

Russia's new defense machine, the Terminator, marks new generation of Russian weaponry
An interesting look at the future of the bear's armor.

Asexuals, new type of sexual minority, to conquer the world
Our Russian friends grappling with the concepts of demokracy and kapitalism is nothing to their next big hurtle- '????? ???? ???????? ???????? [Bone]?'

Space Watch: Spacefaring By Bureaucrats
Who wouldda thunk our space program would become so depressing! Plan Bush is a go!

New Machines Could Turn Homes Into Small Factories
This just sounds like the same old liquid polymer 3d printers that have been around for decades but marketed to consumers! Like the landfills need to be fed?

Iran gives nod for secret nuclear research centre: report
Oh joy!

posted by raymond 04:32

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